They are the very last not only the authorities but even we remember about. Sometimes, however, something happens that completely changes the direction of our gaze. We, the ordinary
people, have to stumble on them - in good condition our eyes are not very willing to cling to usually dirty, ragged people of streets, in other words - the homeless. You will not catch the
authorities by “ragging”. For the authorities, the only important emergency is death. It does not matter whose one. Statistic are important. The death rebels it to develop in the "right"
way. [[MORE]]
Just homeless bring these problems to the authorities in winter. There is nowhere to live, nowhere to warm up - death from hypothermia in the street
is guaranteed. Under pressure from the charitable organizations that serve the process under "Saving Private statistics" sauce, the authorities organize a warm tent for
the poor for the second year in Ukraine.
In Kiev, ten of these tents, are located mostly in the green areas. In Ukraine - 1.5 thousand. Yesterday, I decided to see what is the "Heating spot" and how it works.
One of the spots located in the army canvas tent on the outskirts Kurenivka Park, just behind the concert-hall «Freedom». Inside there are 4 tables: 2 - for food drops for people with heart
disease, soothing, iodine, brilliant green, drops of cold pills and neatly stacked on another, under it - a box of condoms. The fourth table, under the emblem of the red cross, occupied with
various medical brochures - about the dangers of tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases and influenza. Thermos of porridge and hot tea are in the corner of the tent. Illumination - two
1000 watt lamps. Two rescuers immediately offered hot tea and sandwiches.
"These are all for people who came to
distribute. 20 liters of tea, and the same meals daily are delivered from Charity Center "Social Partnership" to us. Also - other products for sandwiches. There is enough for everyone until
now. Then it will be seen - not all homeless people are aware of innovation "- said one of the rescuers.
Homeless, according to the "rescuers" besides food are given with some clothes, and necessarily - some disposable packs of lice shampoo and contraceptives.
There is warmer inside than outside, but it was not hot. It is evident that the "heater" spot is not ready to receive visitors. Kerosene "turbine" works with faults and shamelessly stinks
with the same kerosene. During power up it throws out a huge cloud of steam and only then the ignition is triggered. Tent filled with the stench warmth and long hoped-for. Two minutes
later, the "source" stalls. Cursing, rescuers crawling "to renew thermal balance" with a screwdriver. It does work. For a short time.
Outside, a truck rumbled. Someone yells that brought firewood.
"Why?" - I ask.
"Soon the stove will be brought" - happily meets bigger rescuer.
Indeed, after half an hour the people in the form of Ministry of Emergency Situations carry in the tent, "stove" and the pipe-chimney to her. The installation begins.
In army tents everything is very simple - flip flap on the roof, in the metal liner is inserted into the hole, and it is passed a pipe. The other end is put on the "stove". Voila - throw
firewood and ignited. But has happened hitch. There were everything except a metal insert, without which the tent can break out of a spark. By the way, canvas army tent lit only 12
seconds. All because of water-repellent, but very well-lit, impregnating. In addition, through the open hole in the roof goes all the heat that is simple enough invention do not even know
which of the past century in a position to give.
Since there are no "clients", I left to return in two hours or three.
8 pm. The park - dark, around the tent - not a soul. The light makes its way through the window. Come in.
There's even hot in the tent. Instead of the defective "turbine" a new one were brought. Works fine - it stinks as much burns oxygen as well, but stable.
"One is too small stove to heat a tent - you need at least half a dozen. The "turbine", which heats up a room in a few minutes - smell with paraffin, and burns oxygen. We will turn it on,
when it will be quite cold, "- complain rescuers.
Между тем, в палатку заходит седовласый мужчина в фуфайке и черных джинсах. На вид - лет 60-65. Спрашивает, можно ли выпить чего-то горячего. Из-за не особенно высокой температуры внутри
палатки, термоса, стоящие просто на голой земле, не выдержали и остыли. Спасатели предлагают на выбор чай или растворимый кофе и включают электрочайник. Мужчина подсаживается поближе к
«У меня когда-то все было, деньги, фирма своя в Херсоне. Это меня и испортило. Не был я, похоже, готов к такому счастью. С женой поссорился – очень не люблю я бабских слез – и уехал в
столицу. Оставил ей все», - рассказывает о своей жизни Михаил.
По его словам, в Киеве он купил себе автобус – зарабатывал пассажирскими перевозками, но потом у него сломался двигатель, а денег на ремонт не хватило. Пришлось податься в подсобные рабочие.
Михаил подкуривает «Приму» и жадно затягивается.
«Снял квартиру в Калиновке, но успел пожить там только две недели – фирма-наниматель отказалась от наших услуг. Сейчас вот на улице, перебиваюсь временными заработками. Хотел Бы
вернуться к семье да стыдно и страшно», - сетует собеседник.
Закипает чайник. Мужчина просит чай, от еды вежливо отказывается, говорит, с этим у него пока проблем нету.
«За сегодня мы приняли около 40 человек. В основном – бездомные мужчины возрастом 35-45 лет. Забегали и дети, которые тут рядом с горки на санках катались, а вот вчера и пенсионеры местные
наведывались – интересовались, что за палатка и зачем стоит», - как бы подытоживает спасатель.
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